Approach to psychotherapy: Carl Jung and analytical psychology


Jungian psychology is well-suited for a variety of mental health concerns and for people seeking self-knowledge through individual psychotherapy.

Laurie Savlov offers a creative and imaginative approach to life's problems through Jungian analysis of your unconscious. The analytical psychology of Carl Jung with its focus upon symbols, personality typology, archetypes, mythology, dreams, and individuation distinguishes this way of working from most psychotherapy and psychoanalysis. Therapy may include dream interpretation, art work, active imagination, journaling, spiritual development, EMDR, and Sensorimotor body-focused psychotherapy.

Laurie's approach to therapy is best summed up in Jung's statement that "the unconscious is a process, and the psyche is transformed or developed by the relationship of the ego to the contents of the unconscious." 

Laurie Savlov offers a free initial consultation as part of his approach to psychotherapy.

Laurie Savlov, M.A., Jungian analyst and Registered Psychotherapist

416 903 2072  email: 

Interested in working with a woman Jungian analyst? Call Helen Brammer-Savlov at 416-903-6107 or email, website
